離去之前  丘智華個展

Before leaving  Chiu, Chih-Hua solo exhibition

離去之前  丘智華個展

這次於福利社FreeS Art Space所展覽的「離去之前  丘智華個展」是為101年度文化部補助前往捷克駐村回國,所做的個展,也是福利社開幕以來徵件的第一檔展覽。

離去之前  丘智華個展
展覽內容分為兩部份:台北(台灣)與庫倫洛夫(捷克)。將收集台北和駐村地:庫倫洛夫(Cesky Krumlov)的建築與城市元素,用紙材製作出量體模型,再利用日常用品做為素材,模擬出自然風景,結合此量體模型與虛擬風景,經過實拍後為此系列作品,形式上含蓋平面輸出、動態錄像、實體模型。內容上則包括台北與庫倫洛夫,做為自身與﹝二地的三方聯結﹞與對話。

展覽「離開之前」,其中作品延續之前創作脈絡,以身處的城市做為雛型,製作白色量體的模型,敘述自身與城市之間的關係。他是一個對想像與空間的投射,也是對於時代城市的一種記錄。 「離開」一詞是帶著些許悲傷與即將消逝,「之前」則是時間軸上的一點,意味的即將來到。處在面對與等待消逝的那個空白地帶,夾雜消失與分離的情感投射,緩慢的等待未知到來。

The exhibition is divided into two parts: Taipei (Taiwan) and Cesky Krumlov (Czech Republic). Architectural and urban elements of Taipei and Cesky Krumlov were collected. Paper material was applied to produce body model, and then daily material was used to simulate natural landscape.

This series of works contain body models and virtual landscapes after real shots. The form of work covers digital print,  video and model installation. The content of work includes Taipei and Cesky Krumlov, as the land itself and myself links and dialogue.

離去之前  丘智華個展

In the exhibition of ” Before leaving “, some works continue previous context to make the prototype based on the city for making the white models and describing the relationship between itself and the city. It is not only the projection for imagination and space, but also the record of the city. “Leaving ” is a word with a little sadness and the dying; “Before” is a point on the timeline which means coming. Standing in that blank area to face and wait for the disappearance, holding the emotion of the mix of disappearance and separateness to wait for the arrival of the unknown.

開幕酒會:2013.09.07(六) 7:00pm
展覽地點:福利社 FreeS Art Space(台北市中山區新生北路三段82號B1)
主辦單位:福利社 FreeS Art Space
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